Color world 1
Color world 1

Color world 1

The elegant one - more space for your own style

Show yourself from all sides, discover scope, celebrate variations - light as a feather and multifaceted:

Our color world 1 leaves a lot of space to develop a very individual style with accessories and furniture. Here, coolness is combined with warmth, from Nordic lightness to elegant modernity. The classic patterns such as pepita, houndstooth and plaid go well with this, they ground this world, create references to the past, offer the familiar in the new. Shimmering brass, velvety fluffy textiles and mirrors or other shiny surfaces are great companions and ensure an exclusive chic. Despite all the grandeur, this world always remains light and elegant, with its soft tones and - above all - thanks to the soft nuance of black.

The Moodboard for color world 1